Tuition and Fees

Tuition & Required Fees


Tuition is approved by the NMSU Board of Regents annually in April for the next academic year. Approved rates become effective the following Summer, Fall, and Spring.

General assessment information:
• Tuition is assessed at each campus site independently.
• Undergraduate tuition is assessed to undergraduate, degree-seeking.
• Graduate tuition is assessed to students classified as Graduate, Post-Baccalaureate, and Non-degree.

Required Fees

Assessed to all students on a per-credit-hour basis and vary in price by course campus enrolled. Required Fees are reviewed annually by the Student Fee Review Board which is comprised of student, faculty and staff representatives and are approved annually by the NMSU Board of Regents; occurring in April where rates become effective the following Summer, Fall, and Spring terms.

Programs supported by Required Student Fees include areas such as Peer Counseling, campus tutoring, information technology, campus transit, ASNMSU sponsored activities, as well as the operation of student related functions.

Payment of these by full-time enrolled students also allows the use of campus facilities or attendance at events at a free or reduced cost.

Las Cruces Tuition & Fee Rates
Academic Year Summer Fall Spring
2024-2025 2024 2024 2025
2023-2024 2023 2023 2024

To view historical data by term, please visit Tuition & Fee Rates

Community Colleges Tuition & Required Fee Rates
Academic Year Summer Fall Spring
2024-2025 2024 2024 2025
2023-2024 2023 2023 2024

To view historical data by term, please visit Tuition & Fee Rates and scroll down to Community Colleges

NMSU Global Tuition & Required Fee Rates
Academic Year Summer Fall Spring
2024-2025 2024 2024 2025
2023-2024 2023 2023 2024


Additional Fees

Additional fees may apply depending on classification, number of credits enrolled, specific course delivery methods and other course specific requirements. It is recommended that students review their Class Schedule and Statement of Account immediately following registration for a full detail of all tuition and fee charges assessed.

$20.00 per credit hour

The Academic Services Fee is applied to nearly all courses including face-to-face but excluding courses for practicum/clinical, thesis/dissertation, dual credit, and those offered by NMSU Global. Reflects demand of current learning environment related to academic information technology, academic assessment and analysis, academic support services, digital library service information technology and software license, and broadband.

$99.00 All virtual AWO sessions (includes synchronous)

$165.00 Two-day in-person AWO session for Freshman

The AWO fee is charged after a student registers for an AWO session. The fee is dependent upon the type of AWO session (virtual or in-person).

For more information or to register for an AWO session, please visit

For information on Application Fees for the NMSU Las Cruces campus and for NMSU Global, please visit How to Apply and scroll down to 'Application fees'.

$33.50 in Fall and Spring for 1-11 credit hour enrollment

$12.40 in Summer for 1-8 credit hour enrollment

For more information about ASNMSU, please visit

The Certificate Degree Fees listed below are only applicable to the Community Colleges.

The Certificate Degree Fee is $10.00. If submitted after the deadline, and additional $10.00 is required.

$25.00 per credit hour

The Course Delivery Fee is only applicable to the Grants campus.

Course Specific Fees
Academic Year Summer Fall Spring
2024-2025 2024 2024

Course Specific Fees are assessed in addition to tuition and required fees for specific courses where additional funding is necessary for course instruction.

For a historic listing of Course Specific Fees, click here and then scroll down on the page to view the Course Specific Fees.

The Degree Application Fee is charged at the time student completes the Degree Application through myNMSU. Navigate to the Student tab Student Records and Degree Application Application for Degree

$45.00 Graduate

$35.00 Undergraduate

$50.00 Late Filing Fee

Digital Course Material Fees
Academic Year Summer Fall Spring
2024-2025 2024 2024

Digital Course Materials are required materials (ebooks, WebAssign, etc.) that have been chosen by the instructor for a specific course. This means that the student has access on or before the first day of class to the digital course materials via CANVAS. Digital course materials are charged* to a student’s account, and will display as a “Digital Course Materials” fee. If the student wishes to purchase materials elsewhere, the student may opt-out of this program within the first 14 days after the start of classes. Students that opt-out of will see the charge credited to their NMSU student account after the opt-out deadline passes. Once the opt-out deadline has passed, the student will no longer be able to opt-out of the digital course materials. Click here for instructions on how to opt-out. If further assistance is needed, please email the NMSU bookstore at or or call at 575-646-4431 or 575-646-4020.

*The cost of the digital course materials will be the same or less than the amount displayed on the NMSU Bookstore website for the class.

Please note that Digital Course Materials are not the same as and can be in addition to Course Specific Fees.

For a historic listing of Digital Course Materials, click here and then scroll down to the bottom of the page to view the Digital Course Materials.

The Engineering Tech Fee ranges from $36.00-$145.00:

$36.00 for 1-5.999 credits

$73.00 for 6-8.999 credits

$109.00 for 9-11.999 credits

$145.00 for 12 or more credits

For an explanation of the Engineering Tech Fee, please visit Engineering Fee

$159.30 for fall and spring

$141.60 for summer

$24.00 per credit hour (currently only Alamogordo and DACC students)

For more information, please visit Books4Less


Please refer to Records' Important Dates for Students for specific dates.

For more information about the Payment Plan, please visit Student Accounts

A $25.00 Returned Item Fee will be assessed for any payment presented or entered electronically that is returned by the bank as non-paid.

For more information on returned items, please visit Returned Payments.

Terms & Conditions

To review the Terms & Conditions, please visit Terms & Conditions.